Friday, 21 March 2014

Leaving Work in the Rearview Mirror, the making of a motorcycle cake.

My father has always been a hard working dedicated working man, who would only call in sick if he was in the hospital or on his death bed.  Most weeks he would work 6 days a week, and on occasion 7!  I can remember as a child him waking at all hours to go into work to "get the line running".  Workers like him are hard to come by!  I am not sure his employer really realized the asset he was to the company, he worked for them as if he had a personal stake invested.  I would like to think that I have learnt from him, not only in  my work ethic, but also in my day to day life.

This is why, as the days to retirement counted down; literally…they were Xed off the calendar, I struggled with the perfect retirement cake for my Dad.  I came up with the idea of doing a motorcycle theme, since he is an avid motorcyclist and wants to increase his saddle time when he retires.  I searched on the internet for days trying to find inspiration or a tutorial, as I was very nervous taking on this project. I found nothing to my liking, or rather to the standard that needed to be met to celebrate this incredible occasion.  SO…I put my own plans into the works.

First, I snuck a picture of his candy red Honda 1300 Cruiser.  I then blew it up to the size I wanted to model it.  I then went to work.  It sort of built itself, and not all parts turned out perfect, but it turned out very well!  And he loved it!

Here is a picture progression, everything is edible except a few wires holding things in place:
Being held up until dry

Note the stitching on the seat and the "holy shit" handle on back

Side view, still missing an exhaust, it will come later

The only thing not edible is this wire that holds the forkes to body of bike

Tail light

I love the shape of the tank!

Another side view

And the first paint job.  Some Candy Apple Red and Chrome!

Everything hand painted

Second exhaust in place, awaiting a chrome job

From the back

Other side

Different angle

Closer view, highlighting details

From the front, I even added tread to tires

And the finished Product!  I am so happy how this bike turned out!

Congratulations Dad!  Happy Retirement!

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